Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Post Christmas Wrap-Up (or Un-Wrap!)

Well, it is December 28th and another Christmas has come and gone. It always amazes me how quickly Christmas can sneak up on you, and then all of a sudden we are at the start of a new year.

This Christmas was such a wonderful time for me, as I was able to finally connect with my family again, after being away for two months. Man, have I ever missed them.

I was reminded this past week just how blessed I am to have the family that I have. I was blown away by their love and generosity and willing hearts this Christmas. I don't know about you, but this year I had nothing on my Christmas list. NOTHING. I couldn't think of a single thing of what I needed/wanted this year, and because of that, I really didn't give anyone any ideas whatsoever. I figured there probably wouldn't be much under the tree for me this year, but I was 100% okay with that. There are others out there that are way more in need than I am.

Needless to say, without even having a list, my family blessed my socks off with their thoughtfulness and love. I now have a (partially) full wardrobe of beautiful maternity clothes that I would have never bought for myself (mainly because I'm cheap and maternity clothes well... aren't). I think Matt was the happiest because he won't be hearing me complain for a while that I have nothing to wear!

I have to share with you though, one of the most special gifts I received this year. It just went to show me that sometimes gifts from the heart make the most unique and special gifts.

There was a bag under the tree marked "To Mommy & Baby, From Grandma." I already had a gift waiting to be opened, so my mom (Grandma) decided to let Matt open it, explaining that I would understand the significance once I saw it. I couldn't imagine what my mom could be giving me already for the baby, but when Matt opened it, tears immediately sprung to my eyes. It was my first ever Christmas stocking. I had actually thought she had found one at a store and picked it up, because it was in such pristine condition. Then I realized it was the original and my mom had kept it in safe keeping for 24 years. She smiled at me and said, "Now you can use this as your baby's first stocking." Just the idea that my mom had kept this for so long, and then decided to hand it down to our baby blew me away. I'm so excited to be able to use this for our "Ninababy" and then have him/her be able to pass it down to their child, 20-some odd years from now.

The picture doesn't really do it justice (makes it look kind of creepy, actually), but I promise you it's the cutest! His little overalls open, so you can stuff them with loads of gifts! And if you really wanted, you could use it as a teddy bear. Hard to believe that next Christmas we'll have a 6 month old baby to spend it with!

I hope that your Christmas was filled with family, fun and food. I know mine was. And that you were reminded about the true meaning of Christmas.

I'd love to hear about what were you blessed with this Christmas season!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

25 Before 25 UPDATE

With the news of our new little “Ninababy” on the way, I figured a few of my 25 before 25 goals were going to have to change slightly. So below I’ve added my new goals, with the originals in brackets beside it. Here’s to new goals, aspirations and stepping out of my comfort zone!

1. Learn how to sew

2. Make a quilt - once I know how to sew :)
3. Get in shape
4. Attend a triathlon to cheer on someone else (Train for (and hopefully complete) a triathlon - Thank you Susan Dunk for inspiring me!) - I realize I could probably still do this, but I know that I won't. Don't want to work with false expectations!
5. Go on a tropical vacation (Visit Australia)
6. Host a successful event (Bungee jump somewhere exotic ie. Australia)
7. Knit a unique baby blanket for our new baby! (Travel to Ireland)
8. Knit & finish a baby blanket - No, no, no ... not for myself. For a friend!
9. Be featured in the media - ie. magazine, newspaper, TV, etc.
10. Make my own pie crust
11. Make damask pillow covers
12. Get a "Big Person's" job ie. a full time PR/Communications job
13. Get rid of my debt
14. Get 1000 followers on Twitter
15. Train Hank to become a nursing home dog - or at least have him in the process of becoming one
16. Travel somewhere cool bLearn how to ride a motorcycle)
17. Spend New Years doing something interesting & fun! (NYC for New Years!)
18. Buy a new car (Surf - while in Australia)
19. Have two+ of my press releases published
20. Learn how to make pesto
21. Create a fabulous, culinary meal with a crazy, fancy name
22. Reupholster our kitchen chairs
23. Finish watching all of the seasons of LOST (Go snowboarding at least five times this winter - and become really good at it)
24. Go on a spontaneous, yet semi-planned, road trip
25. See a Cirque de Soleil performance

What are some of the goals on YOUR bucket list/New Years Resolutions for 2012?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

14 Weeks Down, 26 to go!

Week 14

People always say to enjoy your pregnancy because time goes by so fast, and I'm starting to realize just how fast it does go.

It seriously feels like yesterday that I went running in to the bedroom with a positive pee stick to tell Matt that he was going to be a dad. I feel like it was just the other day that I was only at 4 weeks, just waiting for another two months to go by so that we could share our little secret. Now, I'm at 14 weeks and my tummy has officially popped.

Just last week, it grew two centimeters. Pretty insane if you ask me. But that just means my little muffin is growing and growing, and inside I have a healthy baby developing. Thankfully I am starting to get out of the "I look/feel fat stage" and am starting to actually look pregnant!

I've already experienced so many changes, it's hard to think that there's only more waiting for me just around the corner. But it all comes with the territory! And I know that in the end, all the stretch marks and the wider hips will be worth it when I get to hold our Ninababy for the first time :)

[Nicole, these are for you :)]