We laughed at the thought, but continued on our journey (in our Journey!) to our favourite theatre, Empire on the Boardwalk in Waterloo.
Once there, we went in line to grab some popcorn and our tickets. As I stood in line, I noticed the lady in front of me watching my and talking quietly to her friend. She turned around and continued to tell me how wonderful I looked with my baby bump and began reminiscing about her pregnancy 20+ years ago. I was slightly weirded out, only because she kept staring at my belly. I was just waiting for her hand to reach out and rub it like it was a crystal ball. Well, my belly is definitely no crystal ball, let me tell you. But I could guarantee that I would show her her future if she came anywhere within 10 feet of me and my tummy, as I mentally prepared to swat her hand from here to Timbuktu.
Thankfully, I was able to get my popcorn in peace, with no tummy rub upsets.
For those of you who have not heard of What to Expect When You're Expecting, where have you been?? I have been waiting since the beginning of this year for this movie to come out when my friend Jessica from FlatsAreForQuitters.com sent me the trailer. The movie is based on the best selling informational book by the same name, but put into a fictional story. What to Expect When You're Expecting is "a hilarious and heartfelt big screen comedy about five couples whose intertwined lives are turned up side down by the challenges of impending parenthood."**
This movie has an all-star cast, starring Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Chris Rock, Elizabeth Banks, Chace Crawford, Anna Kendrick, Dennis Quaid and Joe Manganiello, just to name a few. I honestly don't believe they could've done a better job casting this movie. All the actors were fantastic.
I will try to give you my review of this movie without spoiling anything, but for those of you who haven't seen it, well, I absolutely loved it. And if you're pregnant (or have had babies in the past 5-10 years), even better, as you can probably relate to exactly what they are going through [or at least some of it]. But be prepared with some Kleenex, something I wish someone had told me to bring.
This movie had me laughing hysterically at parts, as they covered almost every single aspect a pregnant woman would experience during her pregnancy. They also cover what it's like to be a dad and the things dads go through during pregnancy and child-rearing.
What I wasn't prepared for, though, was the part where they all go in to labour. It started out great, I was laughing as all the women were rushed to the hospital (because of the way they set the scenes, obviously). But then all of a sudden, once those babies were all born, I began to put myself in the room, realizing that in just a few days/weeks, that will be me, holding my own baby.
It started with just a few tears trickling down my cheeks. I tried to subtly dab the corners of my eyes so that no one would notice I was choking up. Then the scenes became so much more emotional and touching that I started sobbing.
I had no Kleenex. No leftover napkins. Not even a sleeve I could wipe my face on. I was a mess.
I was just starting to compose myself when Matt leaned over to me and said "Just remember, you still have to walk out of here!"
I leaned in to his arm, and what was supposed to be a quiet "I know!" and a chuckle, turned into a wail at one of the most touching parts. "I KNOOWWWW" is what came out, so loud the entire theatre could hear me. I started choking back sobs, and laughter, all at the same time, and lost my composure altogether. Matt lost it too, laughing and telling me that I sounded like a slaughtered pig, literally, which only made things worse. I don't think I have ever heard such a horrendous sound come out of my mouth before.
This could possibly be classed as one of the most hilarious, yet humiliating times of my life. I can only imagine what was going through people's minds as they laughed at the gianormous pregnant lady slumped down and bawling her eyes out in the 6th row, yet laughing at the same time and fanning herself repeatedly.
Once the credits started rolling, I couldn't get out of that theatre fast enough. I literally grabbed my purse and bolted, ready to take out anyone that stood in my way as I ran to the washroom in an effort to compose myself.
I'll admit, it was basically impossible. My face was the colour of a tomato. My makeup practically gone, as it had run all down my face, and I was sweating so bad from my laughter/crying combination that my hair had gone completely limp and was plastered to my head. I walked out of the stall with my eyes downcast, refusing to make eye contact with any other lady in the washroom, only to walk out and see Matt burst in to laughter at the sight of me.
This, folks, is what to expect watching a romantic comedy about pregnancy when you're expecting.
I will admit, I wouldn't change it for the world. I still had an amazing time watching it with an amazing man. And I think it was probably one of the best ways to celebrate our journey in to parenthood.
Now here's hoping the same thing doesn't happen at the hospital when I go in to labour!!
** Synopsis taken from http://whattoexpectthefilm.com/