It made me start to think, what have I done with my life thus far?
Yes, I know I have accomplished a lot, but I want to make sure I'm living my life purposefully, not be default.
That being said, I decided to come up with a 25 Things I Want to do Before I'm 25 list. It's basically a bucket list, but I didn't want to call it that as I don't plan on dying by the age of 25!
But what better way to stay accountable and make sure I actually do it by tracking it with my blog?
So here is my list. As I complete them, I'll cross them off, and do my best to write a little blog about what happened each time. If you think of something I should add to my list, (realistically speaking!) let me know :)
I realize that some may sound lame to you, and some may sound absolutely impossible, but for me there is usually a reason behind each one.
I'll be honest, I'm actually freaking out as I write this, knowing that all of cyberspace will know my goals and whether or not I reach them. But better this than having them on some list that gets lost in my purse, and never knowing if I ever achieved what I was aiming for!
25 Things I Want to do Before I'm 25
1. Learn how to sew
2. Make a quilt - once I know how to sew :)
3. Get in shape
4. Train for (and hopefully complete) a triathlon - Thank you Susan Dunk for inspiring me!
5. Visit Australia
6. Bungee jump somewhere exotic ie. Australia
7. Travel to Ireland
10. Make my own pie crust
11. Make damask pillow covers
12. Get a "Big Person's" job ie. a full time PR/Communications job
13. Get rid of my debt
14. Get 1000 followers on Twitter
15. Train Hank to become a nursing home dog - or at least have him in the process of becoming one
16. Learn how to ride a motorcycle
17. NYC for New Years!
18. Surf - while in Australia
19. Have two+ of my press releases published
20. Learn how to make pesto
21. Create a fabulous, culinary meal with a crazy, fancy name
22. Reupholster our kitchen chairs
23. Go snowboarding at least five times this winter - and become really good at it
24. Go on a spontaneous, yet semi-planned, road trip
Well there you have it! A little daunting, but I think I can do it :)
Wish me luck!
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