I think it is safe to say that Pinterest seems to be coming quite the obsession with many people, women AND men.
For me, I am obsessed with pinning food. For others, it may be fashion, decor, DIY, baking, photography. And if we're being honest, married or not ... weddings.
(That's me on the right - haha)
How often, though, do we spend our day pinning, only to forget what we've seen. Or we remember, we just don't do anything about it.
I am super guilty of this. And I can see it only getting worse with my new iPhone and having the ability to pin 24/7. (Honestly ... I was pinning at 4 in the morning the other day. I may need help).
I've made it my personal goal to make at least ONE dinner a week from something I've pinned on Pinterest. A few weeks ago, I actually planned a whole week of Pinterest meals, and they turned out to be delicious!
I love that it's a new way to make creative dinners without spending hours flipping through recipe books, only to discover that you don't have any of the ingredients. (Although I do still love my recipe books).
I am also making it my goal to do one other "Pin" a week - broaden my horizons a little bit, cultivate my creativity ... or at least use something I've learned.
I will post along the way and share what has worked, and even those that haven't.
Do you create things that you've pinned? I'd love to hear about it, as well as your feedback from my "Pin Adventures."
Let the Pinning begin!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
A little piece of history
Well, it's official! We can finally announce our big news.
Matt and I just made the biggest purchase of our lives (thus far), and we are happy to say we bought a little piece of history.
We have been wanting to buy a place for a while now, but things just didn't seem to be working out for us. Also, Matt and I have completely different tastes when it comes to properties. He likes unique ... I like new.
So we thought we'd compromise.
It was brought to our attention that the historic Town Hall in Conestogo was going up for sale, so Matt jumped on it.
I'll be honest, I never thought it would go through. But for whatever reason, everything continued to line up and we are now the proud owners of the Conestogo Town Hall.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, as we are renovating it for us to live in, but when all is said an done, it is going to be an awesome spot. Unique for Matt and new for me, as we will be completely gutting the place and working nonstop to get it finished and updated for a modern feel.
The township has given the hall a "Heritage Designation", therefore we won't be changing too much on the outside, but we get full reign on the inside.
Words cannot describe how excited we are to move to Conestogo!
We'll be posting pics along the way.
Check out the press release the Township of Woolwich wrote about the purchase: http://bit.ly/SnrSK2
Wish us luck!
Matt and I just made the biggest purchase of our lives (thus far), and we are happy to say we bought a little piece of history.
We have been wanting to buy a place for a while now, but things just didn't seem to be working out for us. Also, Matt and I have completely different tastes when it comes to properties. He likes unique ... I like new.
So we thought we'd compromise.
It was brought to our attention that the historic Town Hall in Conestogo was going up for sale, so Matt jumped on it.
I'll be honest, I never thought it would go through. But for whatever reason, everything continued to line up and we are now the proud owners of the Conestogo Town Hall.
We have a lot of work ahead of us, as we are renovating it for us to live in, but when all is said an done, it is going to be an awesome spot. Unique for Matt and new for me, as we will be completely gutting the place and working nonstop to get it finished and updated for a modern feel.
The township has given the hall a "Heritage Designation", therefore we won't be changing too much on the outside, but we get full reign on the inside.
Words cannot describe how excited we are to move to Conestogo!
We'll be posting pics along the way.
Check out the press release the Township of Woolwich wrote about the purchase: http://bit.ly/SnrSK2
Wish us luck!
Monday, November 19, 2012
It's a new year!
Well, I am officially 25. This past year has been a whirlwind, but I was reminded of my list I made a year ago: My 25 before 25 list.
I'm happy to say I was able to accomplish *most* things on my list ... but apparently I should've added #26: Start a family.
The preparation and arrival of my new little man changed my life quite a bit, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Even with life changing dramatically, here's what I was able to accomplish over the past year!
6. Host a successful event - Hosted the premiere for High Rise Studio's first feature film Last Run. Four sold out shows and people loved it!
I'm happy to say I was able to accomplish *most* things on my list ... but apparently I should've added #26: Start a family.
The preparation and arrival of my new little man changed my life quite a bit, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Even with life changing dramatically, here's what I was able to accomplish over the past year!
1. Learn how to sew - well I am no seamstress, but I was able to sew my own crib sheets. Needless to say, after that adventure, I opted to buy the rest from Walmart!
2. Make a quilt - once I know how to sew :) - I started cutting out the squares ... that's as far as I got ...
4. Attend a triathlon to cheer on someone else - Yeah, that didn't happen
5. Go on a tropical vacation - We went on our "Babymoon" to Mexico! An amazing time together at the Occidental Grand Nuevo Vallarta in Riviera Nayarit. Would definitely recommend it!

7. Knit a unique baby blanket for our new baby! I started one ... but he was given so many new blankets, I gave up on mine.
8. Knit & finish a baby blanket - No, no, no ... not for myself. For a friend! - made for my cousins baby Lilah! She's such a babe.
9. Be featured in the media - ie. magazine, newspaper, TV, etc. - I was featured in The Record when I was one of the top three contestants for the Young & Free campaign. Check it out here! http://bit.ly/QNI4XQ
10. Make my own pie crust - this should've been the easiest one ... yet still on the list
11. Make damask pillow covers - chck them out here: http://jninaber.blogspot.ca/2011/10/like-kid-at-christmas-11-done.html
12. Get a "Big Person's" job ie. a full time PR/Communications job - Got a job as a Marketing Strategy intern at Shaw Media in Toronto. It was a full time contract position. Loved it!
13. Get rid of my debt - still working on that one
14. Get 1000 followers on Twitter - same answer as #13!
15. Train Hank to become a nursing home dog - or at least have him in the process of becoming one - Well he didn't get trained to become a nursing home dog, BUT we did put him in puppy training with Elite Dog Training in Kitchener. I would highly recommend them! They did wonders for our family and Hank.
16. Travel somewhere cool - We went to Mexico and Florida ... does that count?
17. Spend New Years doing something interesting & fun! Ummm yeah, we just stayed home. I'll be planning this in a few years!
18. Buy a new car I got a new (to me) 2010 Dodge Journey R/T fully loaded. LOVE IT! (And Matt got a new (to him) car too! A 2007 Saab 93 Turbo)
19. Have two+ of my press releases published - Two articles that I wrote for the DIY Network at Shaw were published in the Toronto Metro.
20. Learn how to make pesto - I learned that Costco's Kirkland pesto is the best pesto ever. Therefore ... no need to create my own!
21. Create a fabulous, culinary meal with a crazy, fancy name Well it didn't have a crazy, fancy name ... but I did make a roasted chicken for the first time with roasted carrots and potatoes ... and man was it delicious!
22. Reupholster our kitchen chairs - I decided I actually really like the chairs the way they are, so we are keeping them the same
23. Finish watching all of the seasons of LOST - We started Season 1 in September and finally finished the last season in March. I had never been so happy to finish a set of DVDs before.
24. Go on a spontaneous, yet semi-planned, road trip - Took a road trip up to Restoule with a 12-week old baby to visit my Memere & Pepere. What should've only taken 4 hours took 6, each way ... but it was worth it :)
25. See a Cirque de Soleil performance - Last fall we joined Rob & Stacey Musselman (nee Clayton) and Nelson & Kathy Dunk for an amazing performance of Cirque de Soleil Totem. If you ever have the opportunity to go see a Cirque performance, I would highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed!
Well there you have it. My last year in a nutshell.
Now to start thinking about my 30 Before 30 list! At least I have five years to complete this one ...
What's on your bucket list?
Well there you have it. My last year in a nutshell.
Now to start thinking about my 30 Before 30 list! At least I have five years to complete this one ...
What's on your bucket list?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Moms - God's Greatest Creation
Okay, so that may be a bold statement, and not everyone will agree with me, but let me explain.
Believe it or not (I say this for myself, you probably all believe it - haha), but by Thursday of this week, I will have a six week old on my hands.
After nine long months, 40 extra pounds, and a few too many stretch marks, Ryder Chase Ninaber made his debut to the world at 5:45am on June 14, 2012. Weighing in at a healthy 8lb 8oz and 20 inches long, Ryder arrived after only 2 hours of labour. Can you say amazing?
Now, Ryder is (almost) six weeks old, weighing in at a healthy 10+ pounds and has already outgrown not only his newborn sleepers, but his three month sleepers as well. Is it legal to have a 6 week old in 6 month old pyjamas???
Anyway, the reason I entitled this post Moms - God's Greatest Creation, is not because I wanted to boast about my new life as a mom. Quite the contrary. As much as I enjoy being a mom, and think that it is wonderful to be caring and raising a handsome young man, I wanted to boast about my mom. Mainly because, if it was not for her, there's no way I could have made it through the past few weeks.
When Ryder was born, my wonderful midwife Nasrin suggested that I have someone stay with me that night, to ensure that I was able to get a good nights sleep and wasn't up for all hours. My mom volunteered to stay with me right away, without even hesitating, all the while knowing that she had a full days work ahead of her the next day.
So that night after I woke up to feed him, she stayed up and settled him for the next little bit until he fell asleep, and did so a few times during the night. I'm pretty sure she was lucky to get three hours of sleep that night, while I was lying in bed trying to sleep myself.
Pretty much every day for the first two weeks, my mom made it a priority to stop by my place, whether it was in between clients, or after a long day of work, to make sure I was doing okay.
Some days I was doing great! Other days, I felt like a kid who got hurt on the playground and was fine until mom showed up - that's when the waterworks would come.
But on days like that, my mom was always there to comfort me, give me a shoulder to cry on, and tell me that I was doing a great job and that I was going to make it through. I don't know if a thank you is ever enough to express how much her dedication meant to me.
After the phone calls slowed down, and I started to figure out my routine and develop into my own role as a mom, she would still stop in occasionally, but I could always look forward to a text in the morning: "How was Ryder last night?" "Did you sleep okay?" "How are you?" "How goes the day?" -- I always look forward to those messages.
Then there was this past weekend where I came down with a crazy bacterial infection, resulting in the worst fever, aches and pains I have ever experienced. With a simple phone call, I said "Mom, can you come over? I'm really sick and can barely hold Ryder." Her reply? "I'm on my way." Her one weekend off to work, and she spent it with me to take care of me, help me get better and to make sure Ryder was taken care of while I slept.
I would also like to mention all of the time she spent at my house before Ryder's arrival, helping me prepare my house and his room and making sure everything would be in order before he made his appearance. She helped organize clothes, sorted his laundry, cleaned out my spare bedroom (I think she knew she'd have to use it once he showed up), rearranged my kitchen with me. She also reupholstered the old rocking chair she used for me and my sisters while we were babies for the nursery. She's Wonder Woman, I tell you.
It's funny how becoming a mom yourself creates a bond you never had before with your own mom. My mom and I have always been close, but these past few weeks have really brought us together.
I realize I'm repeating myself here, but I truly don't think a simple thank you will ever be enough to express my gratitude towards my mom.
I wanted the world to know just how wonderful she is. This is only a small snapshot into what an amazing mom Yvonne Cyr is. There are so many things she does on a continual basis that make her the absolute best mom ever, but that's for another blog post at another time.
All of this to say: Thank you mom for being there for me. I couldn't have gotten through these past few weeks without you.
I love you.
Believe it or not (I say this for myself, you probably all believe it - haha), but by Thursday of this week, I will have a six week old on my hands.
After nine long months, 40 extra pounds, and a few too many stretch marks, Ryder Chase Ninaber made his debut to the world at 5:45am on June 14, 2012. Weighing in at a healthy 8lb 8oz and 20 inches long, Ryder arrived after only 2 hours of labour. Can you say amazing?
Now, Ryder is (almost) six weeks old, weighing in at a healthy 10+ pounds and has already outgrown not only his newborn sleepers, but his three month sleepers as well. Is it legal to have a 6 week old in 6 month old pyjamas???
Anyway, the reason I entitled this post Moms - God's Greatest Creation, is not because I wanted to boast about my new life as a mom. Quite the contrary. As much as I enjoy being a mom, and think that it is wonderful to be caring and raising a handsome young man, I wanted to boast about my mom. Mainly because, if it was not for her, there's no way I could have made it through the past few weeks.
So that night after I woke up to feed him, she stayed up and settled him for the next little bit until he fell asleep, and did so a few times during the night. I'm pretty sure she was lucky to get three hours of sleep that night, while I was lying in bed trying to sleep myself.
Pretty much every day for the first two weeks, my mom made it a priority to stop by my place, whether it was in between clients, or after a long day of work, to make sure I was doing okay.
Some days I was doing great! Other days, I felt like a kid who got hurt on the playground and was fine until mom showed up - that's when the waterworks would come.
But on days like that, my mom was always there to comfort me, give me a shoulder to cry on, and tell me that I was doing a great job and that I was going to make it through. I don't know if a thank you is ever enough to express how much her dedication meant to me.
After the phone calls slowed down, and I started to figure out my routine and develop into my own role as a mom, she would still stop in occasionally, but I could always look forward to a text in the morning: "How was Ryder last night?" "Did you sleep okay?" "How are you?" "How goes the day?" -- I always look forward to those messages.

I would also like to mention all of the time she spent at my house before Ryder's arrival, helping me prepare my house and his room and making sure everything would be in order before he made his appearance. She helped organize clothes, sorted his laundry, cleaned out my spare bedroom (I think she knew she'd have to use it once he showed up), rearranged my kitchen with me. She also reupholstered the old rocking chair she used for me and my sisters while we were babies for the nursery. She's Wonder Woman, I tell you.
It's funny how becoming a mom yourself creates a bond you never had before with your own mom. My mom and I have always been close, but these past few weeks have really brought us together.
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Mom - Pregnant with me in 1987 |
I wanted the world to know just how wonderful she is. This is only a small snapshot into what an amazing mom Yvonne Cyr is. There are so many things she does on a continual basis that make her the absolute best mom ever, but that's for another blog post at another time.
All of this to say: Thank you mom for being there for me. I couldn't have gotten through these past few weeks without you.
I love you.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
What to Expect When You're Expecting - While Expecting

We laughed at the thought, but continued on our journey (in our Journey!) to our favourite theatre, Empire on the Boardwalk in Waterloo.
Once there, we went in line to grab some popcorn and our tickets. As I stood in line, I noticed the lady in front of me watching my and talking quietly to her friend. She turned around and continued to tell me how wonderful I looked with my baby bump and began reminiscing about her pregnancy 20+ years ago. I was slightly weirded out, only because she kept staring at my belly. I was just waiting for her hand to reach out and rub it like it was a crystal ball. Well, my belly is definitely no crystal ball, let me tell you. But I could guarantee that I would show her her future if she came anywhere within 10 feet of me and my tummy, as I mentally prepared to swat her hand from here to Timbuktu.
Thankfully, I was able to get my popcorn in peace, with no tummy rub upsets.
For those of you who have not heard of What to Expect When You're Expecting, where have you been?? I have been waiting since the beginning of this year for this movie to come out when my friend Jessica from FlatsAreForQuitters.com sent me the trailer. The movie is based on the best selling informational book by the same name, but put into a fictional story. What to Expect When You're Expecting is "a hilarious and heartfelt big screen comedy about five couples whose intertwined lives are turned up side down by the challenges of impending parenthood."**
This movie has an all-star cast, starring Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lopez, Chris Rock, Elizabeth Banks, Chace Crawford, Anna Kendrick, Dennis Quaid and Joe Manganiello, just to name a few. I honestly don't believe they could've done a better job casting this movie. All the actors were fantastic.
I will try to give you my review of this movie without spoiling anything, but for those of you who haven't seen it, well, I absolutely loved it. And if you're pregnant (or have had babies in the past 5-10 years), even better, as you can probably relate to exactly what they are going through [or at least some of it]. But be prepared with some Kleenex, something I wish someone had told me to bring.
This movie had me laughing hysterically at parts, as they covered almost every single aspect a pregnant woman would experience during her pregnancy. They also cover what it's like to be a dad and the things dads go through during pregnancy and child-rearing.
What I wasn't prepared for, though, was the part where they all go in to labour. It started out great, I was laughing as all the women were rushed to the hospital (because of the way they set the scenes, obviously). But then all of a sudden, once those babies were all born, I began to put myself in the room, realizing that in just a few days/weeks, that will be me, holding my own baby.
It started with just a few tears trickling down my cheeks. I tried to subtly dab the corners of my eyes so that no one would notice I was choking up. Then the scenes became so much more emotional and touching that I started sobbing.
I had no Kleenex. No leftover napkins. Not even a sleeve I could wipe my face on. I was a mess.
I was just starting to compose myself when Matt leaned over to me and said "Just remember, you still have to walk out of here!"
I leaned in to his arm, and what was supposed to be a quiet "I know!" and a chuckle, turned into a wail at one of the most touching parts. "I KNOOWWWW" is what came out, so loud the entire theatre could hear me. I started choking back sobs, and laughter, all at the same time, and lost my composure altogether. Matt lost it too, laughing and telling me that I sounded like a slaughtered pig, literally, which only made things worse. I don't think I have ever heard such a horrendous sound come out of my mouth before.
This could possibly be classed as one of the most hilarious, yet humiliating times of my life. I can only imagine what was going through people's minds as they laughed at the gianormous pregnant lady slumped down and bawling her eyes out in the 6th row, yet laughing at the same time and fanning herself repeatedly.
Once the credits started rolling, I couldn't get out of that theatre fast enough. I literally grabbed my purse and bolted, ready to take out anyone that stood in my way as I ran to the washroom in an effort to compose myself.
I'll admit, it was basically impossible. My face was the colour of a tomato. My makeup practically gone, as it had run all down my face, and I was sweating so bad from my laughter/crying combination that my hair had gone completely limp and was plastered to my head. I walked out of the stall with my eyes downcast, refusing to make eye contact with any other lady in the washroom, only to walk out and see Matt burst in to laughter at the sight of me.
This, folks, is what to expect watching a romantic comedy about pregnancy when you're expecting.
I will admit, I wouldn't change it for the world. I still had an amazing time watching it with an amazing man. And I think it was probably one of the best ways to celebrate our journey in to parenthood.
Now here's hoping the same thing doesn't happen at the hospital when I go in to labour!!
** Synopsis taken from http://whattoexpectthefilm.com/
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Ninababy in the Park - 35 Weeks
Time flies. Literally.
I feel like it wasn't that long ago that I blogged, but as I sat down to finally upload some pictures and work on a post, I realized it's almost been 10 weeks since I last wrote. Oh, and did I mention that D-Day is only 5 weeks away. Where does the time go?
That being said, the past few weeks have been filled of crazy preparation, as we are getting ready to meet our little man soon. My best friend and sister threw two wonderful showers for me, the nursery is 90% finished, the name is picked out, and my hospital bag is pretty much packed. Now to finish prepping the rest of the house for his arrival.
Matt and I are beyond excited to meet the little guy. As I write this, he is currently giving me left hooks and jabs in my tummy. I can't wait to see his flailing little arms in real life. But in all honesty, I am most looking forward to seeing his cute little face and seeing if he looks more like his momma or daddy. And hold his tiny body. Putting all of his new little clothes away have been so surreal, as I look at how small his newborn onesies are, the size of his diapers, and the little hats and mitts that we have to take him home in. It's hard to believe that in just a few weeks, I'm going to have a tiny little bundle that is going to be mine to love and cherish and care for for the next 20+ years. Crazy!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings ... here are some pictures that I took last week at 34 weeks with my wonderful mother-in-law, Bunny Ninaber. The "bump" has turned more in to a mountain, but thankfully I am still all keeping it in my belly and it isn't surrounding to other parts of my body haha.
Enjoy :)
Friday, March 16, 2012
25 weeks in Mexico
Two weeks ago, Matt and I had the great opportunity to travel to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, to relax in the sand and sun, and marvel in the fact that we were on our Babymoon - celebrating one of the last vacations we will have kid-less.
Although we don't have many pictures from our trip (we misplaced our camera charger), we were able to get some pictures done by a friend at the resort to document our time together, as well as my pregnancy.
Seeing that I haven't posted belly pics in quite some time, I thought some of you might enjoy these. Although I am currently 27 weeks (and bigger now than I was two weeks ago), this is me at 25 weeks.
Let me know what you think!
Although we don't have many pictures from our trip (we misplaced our camera charger), we were able to get some pictures done by a friend at the resort to document our time together, as well as my pregnancy.
Seeing that I haven't posted belly pics in quite some time, I thought some of you might enjoy these. Although I am currently 27 weeks (and bigger now than I was two weeks ago), this is me at 25 weeks.
Let me know what you think!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Say Adios! to dry lips with Thursday Plantation's Tea Tree Lip Balm
Canadian winters are so unpredictable. Right now, it's -11 degrees outside, and according to my Weather Network app, it's going to be a scorching +21 degrees on Thursday. If that doesn't mess with your body, I don't know what will!
If you're anything like me, the winter does a number on my skin, from my hands to my feet, and my arms to legs, everything is dry. But nothing compares to the damage the winter air does to my lips every season. Dry, cracked and flaky would be the three best words to describe how winter consistently treats my lips.

The Tea Tree Lip Balm has been a HUGE saving grace to my lips this winter. They have gone from dull and dry, to luscious and soft. The healing properties of tea tree oil are just unreal. And the easy to apply tube is great, as you can apply as much or as little lip balm as you'd like, without getting a gross, caked on feeling.
And the results are (almost) instantaneous. With just one or two applications, my lips feel soft and smooth, and are no longer chapped.
One of the things that is so great about the Tea Tree Lip Balm, is that it is free of synthetic parabens, petrochemicals, lauryl sulphates, polysorbates, synthetic fragrances, synthetic preservatives and synthetic colours. Although I don't know what half of those things are, I'm glad I'm not putting them on my lips! And it is only $6.00. Definitely a small price to pay for the investment you are making to your lips! Trust me, your lips will thank you!
Thursday Plantation also has a great line up of other personal products, from acne wash to lice shampoo, insect repellant to toothpaste and mouthwash, all the way to antiseptics and dog shampoo! I can't wait to try some of their face wash!
For more information, check out www.thursdayplantation.com and then visit www.abundancenaturally.com or Whole Foods to make your purchase!
As always, I love your comments and would love to hear about your winter skin care survival secrets. As well, let me know what Thursday Plantation products you try for yourself!
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