I'm happy to say I was able to accomplish *most* things on my list ... but apparently I should've added #26: Start a family.
The preparation and arrival of my new little man changed my life quite a bit, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Even with life changing dramatically, here's what I was able to accomplish over the past year!
1. Learn how to sew - well I am no seamstress, but I was able to sew my own crib sheets. Needless to say, after that adventure, I opted to buy the rest from Walmart!
2. Make a quilt - once I know how to sew :) - I started cutting out the squares ... that's as far as I got ...
4. Attend a triathlon to cheer on someone else - Yeah, that didn't happen
5. Go on a tropical vacation - We went on our "Babymoon" to Mexico! An amazing time together at the Occidental Grand Nuevo Vallarta in Riviera Nayarit. Would definitely recommend it!

7. Knit a unique baby blanket for our new baby! I started one ... but he was given so many new blankets, I gave up on mine.
8. Knit & finish a baby blanket - No, no, no ... not for myself. For a friend! - made for my cousins baby Lilah! She's such a babe.
9. Be featured in the media - ie. magazine, newspaper, TV, etc. - I was featured in The Record when I was one of the top three contestants for the Young & Free campaign. Check it out here! http://bit.ly/QNI4XQ
10. Make my own pie crust - this should've been the easiest one ... yet still on the list
11. Make damask pillow covers - chck them out here: http://jninaber.blogspot.ca/2011/10/like-kid-at-christmas-11-done.html
12. Get a "Big Person's" job ie. a full time PR/Communications job - Got a job as a Marketing Strategy intern at Shaw Media in Toronto. It was a full time contract position. Loved it!
13. Get rid of my debt - still working on that one
14. Get 1000 followers on Twitter - same answer as #13!
15. Train Hank to become a nursing home dog - or at least have him in the process of becoming one - Well he didn't get trained to become a nursing home dog, BUT we did put him in puppy training with Elite Dog Training in Kitchener. I would highly recommend them! They did wonders for our family and Hank.
16. Travel somewhere cool - We went to Mexico and Florida ... does that count?
17. Spend New Years doing something interesting & fun! Ummm yeah, we just stayed home. I'll be planning this in a few years!
18. Buy a new car I got a new (to me) 2010 Dodge Journey R/T fully loaded. LOVE IT! (And Matt got a new (to him) car too! A 2007 Saab 93 Turbo)
19. Have two+ of my press releases published - Two articles that I wrote for the DIY Network at Shaw were published in the Toronto Metro.
20. Learn how to make pesto - I learned that Costco's Kirkland pesto is the best pesto ever. Therefore ... no need to create my own!
21. Create a fabulous, culinary meal with a crazy, fancy name Well it didn't have a crazy, fancy name ... but I did make a roasted chicken for the first time with roasted carrots and potatoes ... and man was it delicious!
22. Reupholster our kitchen chairs - I decided I actually really like the chairs the way they are, so we are keeping them the same
23. Finish watching all of the seasons of LOST - We started Season 1 in September and finally finished the last season in March. I had never been so happy to finish a set of DVDs before.
24. Go on a spontaneous, yet semi-planned, road trip - Took a road trip up to Restoule with a 12-week old baby to visit my Memere & Pepere. What should've only taken 4 hours took 6, each way ... but it was worth it :)
25. See a Cirque de Soleil performance - Last fall we joined Rob & Stacey Musselman (nee Clayton) and Nelson & Kathy Dunk for an amazing performance of Cirque de Soleil Totem. If you ever have the opportunity to go see a Cirque performance, I would highly recommend it. You will not be disappointed!
Well there you have it. My last year in a nutshell.
Now to start thinking about my 30 Before 30 list! At least I have five years to complete this one ...
What's on your bucket list?
Well there you have it. My last year in a nutshell.
Now to start thinking about my 30 Before 30 list! At least I have five years to complete this one ...
What's on your bucket list?
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